Ancestry Chart:
2 and 3 Marriage 25 November 1879 -- Tinwald, Dumfriesshire, ScotlandBirth 1880 37 26 -- Tinwald, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
Death 19 April 1940 (Age 60) -- Parkhead Hospital, Dumfriesshire
4 and 5 Marriage 21 July 1809 -- Graitney (or Gretna), ScotlandBirth 1843 -- Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
2 Father
8 and 94 Grandfather
10 and 11 MarriageDeath 18 April 1873 -- Amisfield Village, Tinwald
5 Grandmother
6 and 7 PrivateBirth 1854 -- Kirkcowan, Wigtownshire, Scotland
Death 9 January 1926 (Age 72)
3 Mother