Ancestry Chart:
2 and 3 Marriage 1778 -- Towie, Aberdeenshire, , ScotlandBirth about 1795 43 32
Death 24 April 1879 (Age 84) -- Towie, Aberdeenshire, , Scotland
4 and 5 Marriage March 1750 -- , Aberdeenshire, , ScotlandBirth 4 August 1751 24 21 -- Kincraigie, Tough, Aberdeen, Scotland
2 Father
8 and 9 Marriage 3 November 1723 -- Tough, Aberdeen, ScotlandBirth 1727 -- Crathie, Aberdeenshire, , Scotland
4 Grandfather
10 and 11Birth 1730 -- , Aberdeenshire, , Scotland
5 Grandmother
6 and 7 MarriageBirth 19 August 1762 -- Towie, Aberdeen, Scotland
3 Mother