Ancestry Chart:
2 and 3 Marriage 8 October 1816 -- Towie, Aberdeenshire, ScotlandJohn Clark (P-1746936498) Birth 1817 25 -- Towie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Death 25 April 1895 (Age 78) -- Roadside, Towie, Aberdeen, Scotland
4 and 52 Father
6 and 7 Marriage 1778 -- Towie, Aberdeenshire, , ScotlandPedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Peter Clark
John ClarkElizabeth Ann Gordon (P-1746936467) Birth 9 September 1791 40 29 -- Towie, Aberdeen, Scotland
3 Mother
12 and 13 Marriage March 1750 -- , Aberdeenshire, , ScotlandNathaniel Gordon (P-1746936447) Birth 4 August 1751 24 21 -- Kincraigie, Tough, Aberdeen, Scotland
6 Grandfather
Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
Nathaniel GordonWilliam Gordon (P-1746936434) Birth 1727 -- Crathie, Aberdeenshire, , Scotland
12 Great-grandfather Pedigree Tree
Pedigree Map
Descendancy Chart
Ancestry Chart
Compact Chart
Circle Diagram
Hourglass Chart
Interactive Tree
Family with spouse
William Gordon
Nathaniel Gordonprudence (P-1210313238) Birth 1730 -- , Aberdeenshire, , Scotland
13 Great-grandmother
14 and 15 MarriageIsabella Murrian (P-1746936444) Birth 19 August 1762 -- Towie, Aberdeen, Scotland
7 Grandmother