Compact Chart:
Richard Warren

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John Warren
1500-1576 ‎(76)‎
Percival Leigh
1444-1527 ‎(83)‎
Compact Chart: P-1693446623Compact Chart: P-1693446625
Christopher Warren
1535-1587 ‎(52)‎
Compact Chart: P-1693446627 William Warren
1532-1558 ‎(26)‎
Compact Chart: P-1693446628 Margaret Leigh
1470-1545 ‎(75)‎
Thomas Webb
1534-1560 ‎(26)‎
Compact Chart: P-1693446624Compact Chart: P-1693462069Compact Chart: P-1693462071
Eleanor Gerard
1467-1561 ‎(94)‎
Christopher Warren
1558-1587 ‎(29)‎
Compact Chart: P-1693462073 Richard Warren
1580-1628 ‎(48)‎
Compact Chart: P-1693462074
Alice Webb
1560-1586 ‎(26)‎
 Compact Chart: P-1693462070Compact Chart: P-1693462072
Thomas Neville
1455-1503 ‎(48)‎
Compact Chart: P-1693446220
Thomas Mable
Compact Chart: P-1693446222 Ann Mable
1534-1562 ‎(28)‎
Compact Chart: P-1693446223 Mrs Thomas Mable
Thomas Webb
1529-1609 ‎(80)‎
Compact Chart: P-1693446221
Isabel Griffin
1459-1514 ‎(55)‎

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