Compact Chart:
George Robinson

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John Galt
Compact Chart: P-235829579
John Robertson
1781-1843 ‎(62)‎
Hugh McChesnie
Compact Chart: P-235830528 Hugh McChessney
Compact Chart: P-235830095 Helen Galt
Compact Chart: P-235833509Compact Chart: P-235831411Compact Chart: P-235829388
Helen Young
John Robertson
1806-1875 ‎(69)‎
Compact Chart: P-1746936484 George Robinson
1850-1899 ‎(49)‎
Compact Chart: P-1746936483
Sarah McChessney
1809-1882 ‎(73)‎
 Compact Chart: P-235832382Compact Chart: P-235831220
John Lamb
Compact Chart: P-235832169 Elizabeth Lamb
Compact Chart: P-235831908 Margaret Drinan
Agnes Stewart

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