John Dunckley + Elizabeth Dunckley

Children  ‎(1 child)‎
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Elizabeth Silvester ‎(P-1693468134)‎
Birth 1601 61 61 -- Weymouth, , Dorset, England
Death 21 January 1657 ‎(Age 56)‎ -- Weymouth, Plycol, Bram

Parents Grandparents
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John Dunckley ‎(P-1693468131)‎
Birth 1540 -- , , Northamptonshire, England
Death 15 October 1568 ‎(Age 28)‎ -- Brington, Northampton And, , England

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Elizabeth Dunckley ‎(P-1693468132)‎
Birth 1540 -- , , , England

Family Group Information   (F114)
Marriage 16 October 1568 Brington, , Northamptonshire, England