John Darroch Dallas Fulton + Annie McMenemie

Children  ‎(15 children)‎
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Mary Fulton ‎(P-1746936346)‎
Birth 22 December 1895 24 24 -- Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Death 1965 ‎(Age 69)‎ -- Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
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John Fulton ‎(P-1746936335)‎
Birth about 1899 28 28 -- Govan, Lanarkshire
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Neil Fulton ‎(P-1746936331)‎
Birth about 1901 30 30 -- Govan, Lanarkshire
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Marion Fulton ‎(P-1151732016)‎
Birth about 1890 19 19 -- Paisley, Renfrewshire
Death 1950 ‎(Age 60)‎ -- Vancouver, , British Columbia, Canada
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Margaret Fulton ‎(P-1151732014)‎
Birth about 1891 20 20 -- Paisley, Renfrewshire
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Minnie Fulton ‎(P-1746936325)‎
Birth 1893 22 22 -- Glasgow, Lanarkshire, , Scotland
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Annie Fulton ‎(P-1746936326)‎
Birth about 1893 22 22 -- Glasgow, Lanarkshire
Death 1960 ‎(Age 67)‎ -- Cathcart, Renfrewshire, Scotland
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Georgina Fulton ‎(P-1151732004)‎
Birth about 1897 26 26 -- Govan, Lanarkshire
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Benjamin Mowat Fulton ‎(P-239299452)‎
Birth 4 November 1904 33 33
Death 18 March 1973 ‎(Age 68)‎ -- Estero, Lee, Florida, United States of America

Parents Grandparents
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John Darroch Dallas Fulton ‎(P-1746936337)‎
Birth 1871 31 28 -- Partick, Lanarkshire, Scotland
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George Fulton ‎(P-1746936533)‎
Birth 1840 24 21 -- Glasgow, Lanarkshire
Death 3 November 1879 ‎(Age 39)‎ -- at sea on board Telford
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Marion Darroch ‎(P-1746936532)‎
Birth 25 December 1842 16 15 -- Jura, Argyllshire

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Annie McMenemie ‎(P-1746936336)‎
Birth about 1871 37 34 -- Tignabrwick, Argyleshire, Scotland
Death -- USA
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Neil McMenemie ‎(P-1746936531)‎
Birth about 1834 -- Campbelltown, , Argyllshire, Scotland
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Margaret Mowat ‎(P-1746936430)‎
Birth April 1836 -- Greenock, , Lanarkshire, Scotland
Death 1889 ‎(Age 52)‎

Family Group Information   (F80)
Marriage 14 August 1889 Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland