Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - 1841 Census Returns. London, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO). HO 107 Census Returns.Original data: 1841 Census Returns. Lond Text: Name: Angus DarrochBirth Date: Birth Place: Argyllshire, Scotland, JuraResidence Date: Residence Place: Kilarrow
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - 1841 Census Returns. London, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO). HO 107 Census Returns.Original data: 1841 Census Returns. Lond Text: Name: Angus DarrochBirth Date: Birth Place: Argyllshire, Scotland, JuraResidence Date: Residence Place: Kilarrow
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - 1841 Census Returns. London, England: The National Archives of the UK (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO). HO 107 Census Returns.Original data: 1841 Census Returns. Lond Text: Name: Angus DarrochBirth Date: Birth Place: Argyllshire, Scotland, JuraResidence Date: Residence Place: Kilarrow